Monday, February 25, 2013

Brrr! It's cold today in comparison to the temps we have had this winter. So what better, productive work to do but coil! I recently finished another antler basket. Something different that I wanted to try. I was pleased with the results but see improvements if I should do another basket like this in the future. Its new owner is pleased and that makes me happy! Antler baskets are always different since no two antlers are alike....

And then I made a simple basket with teneriffe center. Teneriffe is a lace-weaving technique that has been adapted for basket making. The design is made around the "spokes" at the center of a form and then incorporated into the basket. I used artificial sinew to surround the teneriffe ring and then to make the design. I was pleased with the results and will make this basket a gift for my mom. Simple baskets are so easy to make with relatively little thought but I always love them for their simplicity.

Have a great day!

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